Hello everyone, welcome to the Dee Mama Sharing. I am a homebase Graphic designer, i created this website is to share my experience being a mom and also a wife. Besides, i will also sharing all types of printable that i created. example homeschool education materials, some useful planning printables, recipe cards and etc. in addition I will also share some parenting tips, recipes and some children’s activities ideas. Please share with me if you have awesome ideas 🙂
大家好,我是番茄妈,欢迎来到Dee Mama Sharing分享网站,请大家随便参观。我是一名平面设计师所以业余时间在我会分享一些我设计的家庭幼儿教育素材(可打印的Printables) 给大家,除此之外我也会分享一些育儿心得,食谱以及一些我在家进行的儿童活动,玩具评论等。