Table Time

今日Table Time
所谓Table time就是让宝宝乖乖坐着进行的活动

1)让他能在特定时间内专注于一项活动, 不容易分心
2) 教他如何享受我们正在进行的活动,过程中加入一些教学



Benefits in settle table time with kids
1) Teach him how to focus on one activity for a duration of time
2) teach him how to enjoy whatever we are teaching or playing with him,mummy can work in some teaching memont along the ways.

Tabletime activities, such as colour coloring book, graffiti, play puzzles, play clay, painting etc. , as long as the kids are sitting and work on the table.

The time is about 10-20 minutes.
The time will be different for each age group. The bigger the kids are can set longer for the time.
For toddler, it can be start from 5 minute and slowly increase the time.